Month: November 2022

Investigating the World

We have been learning about different cultures. To see what we know, we played Carmen San Diego. Our teacher found 3 cases for us to investigate. My favourite was finding the Mask of Tutankhamun. We had to find the evil ‘VILE’ crook. I giggled to myself because VILE is an anagram for evil.

I found it fun because it used Google Earth Voyager. I would like to learn to create my own game, in the app google earth.

In one of the games, I got lost and couldn’t find the villain.

Pinching the Pot

As part of our cultural diversity study we created a pattern on paper from our country of investigation.This pattern we then had to try and make on a piece of clay.

Our teacher forgot that the bell goes at 12:50 and we packed up early.

Athletics Trials

Due to the weather today and forecast for the rest of the day we are having athletics only for those interested in going to Central Zone Tuesday 22 November. I found it interesting the number of students who said Miss put me down for this or that and then didn’t show up, because yes they did need to register their interest in an activity to participate.

The day started with the races, the longest to the shortest. Some students were deteremined to run in every single event. We tried to warn them but off they went. The field events were different though as you could try out for more than one, it was just to wet to attempt high jump.

The frustrating part was we had very little rain.

Navigating the Journey

WALHT Navigate the Journey?

Which journey you ask, the life journey we all undertake. We are looking at the decision we might make and how they could affect our lives. Who we can turn to for assistance and to guide us when making big decisions.