Our New Ruma

Welcome to Kowhai Ruma, we have moved spaces and have a lovely new space to work in. We also have a new name KŌWHAI.
We are excited to be back at school and in our new ruma.

The Kōwhai tree stands out in the forest because of the bright yellow flowers in spring.It is a smally woody tree that frows in New Zealand by the edge of the forest or by streams, they love the sun.

Kōwhai trees have smooth bark, small leaves and grow to at least 8 metres in height. They flower from July to November attracking birds such as Tui, Kereru, and bellbirds who like ot sip the nectar from the flowers.

The Kōwhai tree symbolises personal growth, sense of adventure and the ability to move on. We are moving on with our new space, love adventure – so see what we geet up too, and can’t wait to grow more.

by Andrew

by Malia